In order to understand how Institut Français du Nigéria (IF Nigéria) organizes its activities, kindly read carefully our terms and conditions before joining your course.

IF Nigéria is an a-religious and apolitical institution. No proselytism of any kind shall be tolerated.

IF Nigéria is a place of culture, leisure, and learning. Anyone working, studying, or attending an event at IF Nigéria is to show the utmost respect to teachers as well as anyone working for IF Nigéria. Words or behaviors of a discriminatory nature, violating people’s privacy or the proper running of AF Lagos’ activities, any physical or verbal violence from a student towards another student, any member of the staff or any visitor within the premises of IF Nigéria, may result in the permanent exclusion of the student with no refund at any time of the session.

IF Nigéria is a smoking free area in the whole building. No food and drinks are allowed (classrooms, library, and auditorium) except bottles of water in class.

Students are kindly requested to abide by the usual rules of good behaviour and to allow a proper conduct of classes.

When in the corridors, students are requested to keep low volume of conversation/noise to not disturb classes. Loud conversations and screams are not accepted, and phone calls shall be made outside of the learning environment (including corridors and library) to avoid disturbances.

Students are responsible for their personal belongings. AF Lagos shall not be liable for any damages, loss or theft of any students’ belongings.

IF Nigéria equipment and premises are for the common good. It is therefore requested that everyone ensures the cleanliness of the rooms and the proper use of equipment and spaces: toilets, classrooms, passageways, library, etc. Any damage to furniture commits the responsibility of each. The cost of the rehabilitation of deteriorated equipment will be invoiced to the one who damaged it.

Health, accident, and third-party insurances are at the client's cost. The safety of all must be guaranteed. Security officers are fully authorized to require the opening and verification of bags (backpack, briefcase, plastic bag, handbag, etc.). 

Parking is not permitted under any circumstance inside IF Nigéria. All requests, questions or issues related to the public parking is not under IF Nigéria's supervision and must be dealt with EZ Park. 

Students below 18 attending classes, cultural or fun events at IF Nigéria remain under their parents’ responsibility before and after the defined time of the class or event.

Parents/nannies are requested to be present at IF Nigéria well before the official time of their child’s class and to pick up their child downstairs at the very end of each class. Students are required to stay at IF Nigéria until their parents arrive. 

Parents and caretakers are not allowed in class. IF Nigéria reserves the right not to accept students in case of continuous lateness.

Students must complete their registration during the registration period. Registration is effective once the payment is complete. AF Lagos organizes and sells full course packages at a group price. Hours are not sold separately, thus full course payment is requested even in case of non-attendance of some hours. 

Registration is on a “first fully registered, first served” basis, including for former students. No seat can be booked. Students registering late might not be able to access a course. 

No entrance to classes is authorized without registration and IF student card. In case of preplanned or unforeseen absence, no discount/refund/credit is possible.

To guide students towards the most suitable level, a placement test is mandatory for anyone who has already studied French or for any IF student who has not joined a course in the previous 3 months. Anyone taking a placement test but registering for another level is fully liable for his/her decision. IF Nigéria will not proceed to any refund for the course if the student drops out because the level chosen was not suitable.

No trial class is allowed.

Full payment must be done at once upon registration. Instalments are not allowed. Payment of the following fees can be done by credit card or bank transfer:

IF Nigéria courses fees will increase regularly according to the local inflation rate. 

In the event of a request for a late registration, acceptance depends on the sole Director of courses. No preferential rate shall be given for the number of classes missed.

AF Lagos will specify the discount/promotion period for course registrations through its general communication media. No discount shall be offered once discount periods are over.

Seats are limited in order to offer the best possible learning conditions. Depending on the courses, levels and classrooms availability, language courses open with a minimum of 7 students and with a maximum of 16 students. 

If the minimum number of 7 students is not achieved by the end of the registration period, AF Lagos reserves the right to postpone a course to a maximum of 7 days, to redirect students to another class of the same level if available, to carry out a course applying semi-private fees or to refund the total amount of the course fees.

  Depending on the number of students in a group, several groups of the same level may be opened. The lists of students per group provided by the management are authoritative. It is strictly forbidden to switch classes without the prior approval of the Director of courses and without a pedagogical reason provided by the teacher.

Yearly registration fees are not refundable. Online payment fees are at the cost of the student. Book fees can be refunded only if books are in perfect condition (new). 

AF Lagos shall make no refund of course fees in any form at any time (unforeseen trip, change of schedule, non-attendance to the course, student’s own decision to withdraw, postponement of the course decided by AF Lagos).

If a student decides to cancel his/her registration during the registration period, s/he must inform AF Lagos by email to at the earliest. A penalty of 10% on the course fees will apply.

Once registration period is over, AF Lagos shall make no postponement of course session in any form (unforeseen trip, change of schedule, non-attendance to the course, student’s own decision to withdraw, postpone or not attend). Upon presentation of a valid certificate of NYSC enrollment or a scholarship for studies abroad, the Director of courses shall grant the postponement of the course fees to the following session.

If one or several classes are cancelled due to unexpected circumstances during the session, AF Lagos reserves the right to switch to online classes or to define a different date and time to cover up the missed classes.

In case of a public holiday, teachers shall reschedule classes, to all possible extents, throughout the session by adding a few minutes to each class or postponing the classes to the end of the session. Public holidays are generally included in AF Lagos courses calendar and schedule.

AF Lagos team (French courses and Exams Department & teachers) are the only ones authorized to determine the content of French lessons, as well as the required number of hours for each session. AF Lagos contents and number of hours per session are set in accordance with the guidelines of CEFRL (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) with emphasis on a communicative and action-oriented approach to language teaching and learning.

Students are considered as participative actors of their training. They must interact as much as possible in class. They must abide by the personal work given by the teacher to meet the objectives of the course. AF Lagos strongly recommends that all students make every effort to speak French within AF Lagos’ premises, borrow books from AF Lagos library and use the "Culturethèque" platform. Success in learning a language is linked to punctuality and regular attendance, commitment, and personal additional work.

  French/English translation is not recommended. The management expressly asks teachers to use French only. English should only be used in the event of a total blockage when drawings or mimes could not help. This recommendation includes A1 beginner levels. Conjugation, grammar, spelling … are not the subject of our courses. They are taught within a didactic unit or a pedagogical sequence. Dedicated workshops shall be offered.

For educational reasons, students shall experience different teachers and methods. Teachers are not to follow the same group of students from one level to another.

Only AF Lagos teachers and management are qualified to determine whether a student has mastered all the skills required at a given level of language skill acquisition and its capacity to move to the following level.

Students are expected to attend, arrive, finish all the classes on time, bring their books and personal equipment and avoid missing classes. Students arriving 10 minutes late might not be accepted in class by their teacher. 

In case of absence, students must inform their teachers in advance. Teachers shall not repeat the lesson for absent students. No cover up classes are offered by AF Lagos. No credit/refund/discount on the missed classes is possible.

Continuous assessment will be led during the whole session and is part of the final mark. The absence of assessed work during the session will prevent the student from moving to the following level.

AF Lagos reserves the right to allow students to take final exams if they have missed more than 5 classes. At the end of their session, students must take a final exam (/100) to move to the following level. AF Lagos final exam is based on the assessment of 4 skills (listening /25, reading /25, writing /25 and speaking /25). A minimum of 60/100 is required to pass with a minimum of 10/25 in each skill. A student with a mark lower than 10/25 in a specific skill will be orientated to follow private tuitions or a dedicated workshop. Depending on the results, AF Lagos reserves the right to orientate and advise the student for the most suitable level.

Students and library members shall register to receive AF Lagos’s newsletter. 

 All information about AF Lagos’s educational aspects, opening or closure, public holidays, exceptional circumstances, registration periods, dates of course sessions or cultural events will be published on AF Lagos social media. For any request, absence, confirmation or question, students can write to

Unless otherwise informed by students on registration, students surrender to AF Lagos all copyrights from photographs, videos, classwork, exams for communication on social media and marketing purposes. Students can send an email to if any objection. Students email addresses and personal information are solely for internal use of AF Lagos.

DELF/DALF are official international French examinations with national dates and times. 

Registration cannot be cancelled; deferment is not allowed and no refund will be made in case of absence. Candidates will receive a notification by email with the time of their exam.

On the day of the exam, candidates must be on-site 15 minutes before the beginning of the exam with the same valid ID card/passport submitted on registration, their exam notification, and their own exam material (black/blue pen, corrector, pencil…). No entry will be allowed once the exam has started.

Any registration without a reference code is invalid and there shall be no reimbursement. 

Candidates are allowed to make one postponement and such postponement must be made a month prior to the date of the examination. Any postponement that does not respect this directive shall attract a penalty of N40 000. 

If candidates are unsatisfied with their results and wish to retake the e-TEF exam, a one-month gap must be respected.

Impersonation is forbidden and shall attract severe punishment.

Registrations are made at the reception desk of AF Lagos. Fees are not refundable. A passport-size picture is needed.

Access to the library is reserved for duly registered members and students enrolled in a group course. Any library member (student and non-student) can also request an access to “Culturethèque” (Institut Français’ online library).

Registration is valid for one calendar year with a three-month grace period for renewal after which member’s name will be expunged.

Members are strongly advised to carry their card anytime they access the library. The library card gives library members the opportunity to consult on the spot or borrow 2 books maximum (4 for families) for 14 days as well as DVDs. This period can be extended.

No call can be made or received inside the library. Mobile phones must be turned off or put on vibration. 

Users who return their books late or damage borrowed items will be sanctioned.

In case of breach of the present terms and conditions, AF Lagos reserves the right to exclude the student at fault without any refund. AF Lagos reserves the right to amend the above terms and conditions at any time.